

On this page you can find all our monthly newsletters with updates on our work, we discuss diseases, game- and veld management practices and give summaries of our articles and other information.

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May 2024

Read about the dewlap, a rhino orphan rescue, and the Icarus Initiative, which is a research project from the Max Planck Institute in where they track wildlife. 

September 2024

Read about the darts we use and how they work, an article on Snotsiekte from the Namibian Chamber of Environment, and supplemental feed high in energy.

January 2024

Happy 2024! Read about ruminants, New Year's Resolutions and the Klawerberg &  Vriende game auction which is coming up in May.

February 2024

Read about scorpion stings in pets, offloading game, and the Namibian situation regarding Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF / Snotsiekte).

March 2024

Read about our vaccination cards, rhino reproduction and the visit of Dr Morné de la Rey, and we give a reminder about the MCF/ Snotsiekte article.

April 2024

Read about the Namibian desert elephants, how duwweltjies (Devil's thorn) can affect livestock, and how we work as as a team to be more efficient! 

June 2024

Read about the deadly antlion pits, and we give a summary of our article 'Winter... Pneumonia time!' In here we discuss the disease, signs and prevention measures.

July 2024

Read about teats and udders, the disease anthrax (what is it, how to recognize it and what to do) and the upcoming Wildlife Ranching Namibia Info Day. 

August 2024

Read about the reintroduction of elephants from Mount Etjo to Cuatir Nature Reserve in Angola, and sand ingestion and impaction. 


May 2023

Read about the importance of bees, animals and cold weather, and we explain the Documentation-section on our website.

September 2023

Read about the clicking sounds that eland bulls make, and we go deeper into the topic of zoonoses, and place emphasis on rabies. 

January 2023

Happy 2023! Read about Measles in game and livestock, skin conditions in game and our regional WhatsApp groups.

February 2023

Read about red velvet mites and about habitat management and debushing.

March 2023

Read about scent glands, Smart Parks, an oryx with skin lesions, the Klawerberg & Vriende Veiling, and a video about rhino horn trade.

April 2023

Read about how some lizards can detach their tail, how we can improve breathing in immobilized animals, the Klawerberg & Friends game auction and our new website.

June 2023

Read about high blood pressure in giraffes, the WRN Info Day, rabies, and our Animal Crime Scene and Evidence Handling course.

July 2023

Read about piloerection, the visit of Dr Morné de la Rey, a reproduction expert, and we discuss whether a farmer is allowed to touch a crime scene on his/her farm.

August 2023

Read about flehmen, our latest Angola game translocation (tsessebe & giraffe) and we give a summary of our article Practical game count techniques. 

October 2023

Read about the difference between gazelles and antelopes, the Icarus Initiative (solar-panel ear tag project) and tannin toxicity.

November 2023

Read about nosey dik-diks, the upcoming visit of the reproduction expert Dr Morné de la Rey and wound healing. 

December 2023

Read about malar stripes and enjoy our year overview! Thank you for your support throughout the year, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and an amazing 2024!


January 2022

Happy 2022! Read about our regional WhatsApp groups and courses, sleeping animals and giraffes and their browse lines.

February 2022

Read about pronking springbuck, our Animal Crime Scene and Evidence Handling course, and what to do against a high tick-burden on your farm.

March 2022

Read about spotted hyenas, our regional WhatsApp-groups, the Wildlife Para-Professional Weekend 2022 and our Animal Crime Scene course at Etango Ranch.

April 2022

Read about the waterbuck's bum, and an interesting case we had about a eland heifer with bottle jaw.

May 2022

Read about our latest article:'Animals and cold weather'our courses we did and the differences between our two dart guns.

June 2022

Read about the tortoise shell, a case discussion of a PM examination of a roan heifer, and brown hyena immobilization in the Sperrgebiet.

July 2022

Read about why hippos can't swim, our recently held post-Mortem course and a sable with a tapeworm cyst.

August 2022

Read about spiral horns, how animals see the world, and kudu/eland rabies vaccinations.

September 2022

Read about why immobilized antelopes need to be kept sternal, our recent DRC game translocation and the rhino horn trade.

October 2022

Read about how chameleons change colours, intervertebral disc disease, game capture season and how farmers deal with poaching cases.

November 2022

Read about how zebras can stand while sleeping, the pulse oximeter and the poisenous plant the Osananga Lilly - Slangkop.

December 2022

Read about our year overview of 2022, and the Angola game translocations we did in the last few months. We wish you a wonderful Christmas!


January 2021

Happy 2021! Read about sweaty hippos, our courses, vaccines and the latest FMD outbreak.

February 2021

Read about the Omajowa, the courses that we offer, and the rather nasty Putzi (or mango) fly.

March 2021

Read about moths and butterflies, our new vaccination cards, the Animal crime scene course and Lumpy Skin Disease.

April 2021

Read about warthy warthogs, snake bites in pets and our Post-Mortem and Animal crime scene courses.

May 2021

Read about running ostriches, Pasteurellosis and feline spay and castration.

June 2021

Read about Covid-19, and how you can help animals to get through the cold weather.

July 2021

Read about our WhatsApp groups, a parasite infection in a horses' eye and bone healing.

August 2021

Read about the fire that injured Ulf, and our latest DRC game translocation.

September 2021

Read about how Ulf is doing, the upside-down life of bats and hernias.

October 2021

Read about porcupine quills, and animal burn victims and first aid.

November 2021

Read about shedding snakes, broken horns in antelopes and our game translocation to Angola.

December 2021

Read about sticky geckos, our courses for next year, and our year overview.


January 2020

Happy 2020! Read about heat adaptations in animals, corneal ulcers and rabies/anthrax labels.

February 2020

Read about the elephant's trunk, the diversity of hooves, photosensitivity and the Wildlife Para-Professional weekend.

March 2020

Read about COVID-19 in pets, a vultures' stomach, cat vaccines and our Post-Mortem course.

April 2020

Read about PM case discussions, the Swakop elephant translocation and

CCF’s carnivore conflict support field station.

May 2020

Read about the fascinating chameleon's tongue, African Swine Fever and the driving forces behind quality trophy production.

June 2020

Read about the amazing pangolin's tongue, pica behaviour and animals and cold spells.

July 2020

Read about our new animal crime scene course, minerals and free vet books.

August 2020

Read about camouflage in animals, and our latest article on herd immunity in rabies and COVID-19.

September 2020

Read about how an MRI scan works, and we discuss how vaccination leads to immunity.

October 2020

Read about giraffe sounds, cyanobacteria and body condition in antelope.

November 2020

Read about the return of the frogs, 'crying' elephants and the Foot and Mouth outbreak.

December 2020

Read about our year overview of 2020, and the game translocations we did to Angola.


January 2019

Read about Foot & Mouth disease, purring and roaring lions, and ear notches in rhino.

February 2019

Read about the clicking sounds in eland, rabies in rhinos and our Post-Mortem course.

March 2019

Read about zebra stripes, vaccination of wildlife and our Post-Mortem course.

April 2019

Read about how to manage your game during a drought and elephant feet.

May 2019

Read about how to hold an immobilized antelope correctly and how these drugs work, and the rhino bot fly.

June 2019

Read about the female hyena, rhino nutrition and our elephant translocation to the DRC.

July 2019

Read about our regional WhatsApp groups, zebra stripes and birth control in lions.

August 2019

Read about the beneficial effects of supplemental maize during the drought, and sand ingestion & impaction.

September 2019

Read about pre-orbital glands, a roan with a tape worm cyst, and our latest DRC trip.

October 2019

Read about Eyeplane, the new acacia name and a training we did at CCF.

November 2019

Read about how cats land on their feet, an interesting PM case and our latest Angola trip.

December 2019

Read about how the first rains can cause problems, the Osananga lily (slangkop) and we reflect back on 2019.


December 2017

Read about our DRC adventure, courses that we present, and our new assistant introduces herself.

April 2018

Expanding Horizons! Read about how we translocated animals from Namibia to a new reserve in the DRC.

May 2018

Read about rabies in Namibia, our new game dealers license, and about our latest DRC trip.

June 2018

Read about the challenges of raising an orphaned rhino calf, and about dehorning.

July 2018

Read about hoof care, our ultrasound machine and capture procedure.

August 2018

Read about our rhino translocation to the DRC (per plane), elephant vaccination, and how we treated a shot rhino.

September 2018

Read about anthrax, the flehmen response, and what (NOT) to do when transporting wildlife.

October 2018

Read about the ending game capture season, some odd rabies cases we had, and how feeding behaviour is influenced.

November 2018

Read about the advantages of a pre-release boma, our Angola trip, and shiny eyes.

December 2018

Read about horns, and we reflect back on 2018. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Special Newsletters

Special Introduction Newsletter

We regularly sent out newsletters and articles to our clients, where we discuss diseases, game- and veld management practices, jobs we have done etc. By doing so we hope to educate and to empower game farmers. We thought you might be interested in this as well, hence this special newsletter.

Angolan Newsletter 2021

In this Angolan newsletter, meant for farmers and other interested people in Angola, we explain in Portuguese why elands make a ‘clicking sound’ when they walk, the advantages of game farming, and we introduce ourselves and what we do.

Neste boletim informativo angolano, direccionado a produtores e a outras pessoas interessadas em Angola, explicamos em português a razão pela qual os elandes fazem um som de “clique” quando andam, as vantagens da produção de animais selvagens, e apresentamo-nos e explicamos o que fazemos.

Angolan Newsletter 2023

As a service to the Angolan (game) farmer we decided to write a newsletter in Portuguese, where we strive to inform you on a multitude of wildlife related topics. We feel that it is essential that people make educated decisions, be it in game farming and or livestock. In this newsletter you can learn more about pre-orbital glands in animals, lumpy skin disease, and we share our latest Angola game translocation story to the Cuatir Conservation Project.

Como serviço aos produtores angolanos, decidimos escrever um Boletim Informativo em português, onde nos esforçamos por informá-lo acerca de uma série de tópicos relacionados com a vida selvagem. Achamos que é essencial as pessoas tomarem decisões informadas, quer seja na produção de animais selvagens ou de gado. Nesta edição do Boletim Informativo pode aprender acerca das glândulas pré-orbitais dos animais, da doença Dermatose Nodular Contagiosa (Lumpy Skin Disease), e partilhamos ainda a história da nossa mais recente translocação de animais selvagens para Angola, para o Projecto de Conservação Cuatir.
