Other documentation

Other documentation

In this section 'Other documentation' you will find documents, such as labels, information sheets and (government) forms which might be useful for you.

Hoover over the photos to read a short summary of what the document/PDF entails, and click on the green button below to view and/or download the document. If you are looking for a certain document or form and you can't find it, let us know, and we do our best to assist you!


Rabies label

Use this fillable label to send rabies samples to your veterinarian or lab. You can fill the label in on your computer and print it.

Anthrax label

Use this fillable label to send anthrax samples to your veterinarian or lab. You can fill the label in on your computer and print it.

Other documentation

Rhino ear notch sheet

To identify your rhinos, we suggest using ear notches. In this document you find more info about notches, and a sheet in which you can draw notches.

Sable age determination

In this excel file you can find an overview of the dental description and horn sizes of sables to determine their age.

Government forms

Below you can find forms from our Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) and the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS). Click on the green button below the form to view and/or download the document. If you need another MEFT form, have a look at the 'Documents and Downloads' section on the MEFT website, or feel free to contact us.